Friday, April 3, 2015

Assignment 5 - Virtual Essay

Henri Cartier-Bresson was the father to photojournalism. He was a French photographer who mastered candid photography with a 35 mm film. A founder of street photography and life reportage, Henri believed in a moment where life offered itself to the photographer. This was coined the “Decisive Moment”, a fraction of a second where the precise organization of forms gave an event its proper expression. The “Decisive Moment” inspired generations of photographers.

Alfred Eisenstaedt photographed “VJ Day in Times Square”. The photograph showed the intimacy of a US sailor and his girlfriend, which marked his return from the Japanese war. A simple kiss captured the expressions and emotions to the thousands of Americans who came back. “VJ Day in Times Square” demonstrated Henri’s obtrusive approach to photography. The kiss was an innate expression for love and happiness. Alfred Eisenstaedt had successfully captured the bitter joyfulness of war.

Stanley Forman photographed “Fire Escape Collapse”. The photograph showed a mother and daughter, who fell from a fire escape collapse. Although the two fell to their deaths, the photographer managed to capture a perfect still of the moment. The photographer made use of gestures, expression, and composition. With this image, Stanley Forman possessed Henri’s ability to grab hold of a natural and candid state. Stanley Forman’s “Decisive Moment” won the man a Pulitzer Prize.

Elliot Erwitt photographed “Effiel Tower 100th Anniversary”. The photograph possessed many similarities to Henri’s image of a man who hopped over a puddle. There was movement and an interaction of life. The man that leaped signaled the emotions of the two lovers in the back. A composition of black and white added realness to a symbolic moment. Elliot Erwitt captured an ironic situation within an everyday setting.

Mark Riboud photographed “An Anti-Vietnam War Demonstration In 1967”. The photograph showed a confrontation between an American girl and the American National Guards. The image followed Henri’s style of composition. The two sides were focal points to a natural portrait. It raised questions to the girl’s intentions. Was the girl there to prevent conflict? Or was the girl simply there to emphasize with the guards? The true intention laid a mystery. Mark Riboud’s photograph and the march itself helped turn public opinion against the war in Vietnam.

Frank Van Riper photographed the following image. An Eastern Shore blacksmith created a shower of sparks that was captured using a low shutter speed and flash. The photograph resembled Henri’s perception of the here and now. It was a perfect still of the moment. A blow from the hammer created timeless fireworks. The low shutter speed caught the spontaneous lighting and composition of a common gesture. Frank Van Riper demonstrated a calculative approach to the “Decisive Moment”.

“Of all the means of expression, photography is the only one that fixes forever the precise and transitory instant. We photographers deal in things that are continually vanishing, and when they have vanished, there is no contrivance on earth that can make them come back again. We cannot develop a print from memory” – Henri Cartier Bresson.

The following photographers understood Henri’s belief, that photography had the ability to freeze time. Eisenstaedt, Forman, Riboud, and Van Riper utilized the principals and shooting techniques key to Henri’s style. Expressions and surroundings controlled the image. The photographers came to play roles of an unobtrusive existence, capturing truly candid shots. Henri combined ordinary techniques with the unique philosophy of subject interaction. Henri created an art movement and coined it the “Decisive Moment”.


VJ Day in Times Square. By Alfred Eisenstaedt. Retrieved April 1, 2015, from Photographers Gallery:

Fire Escape Collapse. By Stanley Forman. Retrieved April 1,2015, from Stanley Forman Photo:

Effiel Tower 100th Anniversary. By Elliot Erwitt. Retrieved April 1, 2015, from Magnum Photos:

An Anti-Vietnam War Demonstration In 1967. By Mark Riboud. Retrieved April 1, 2015, from Magnum Photos:

By Mark Van Riper. Retrieved April 1, 2015, from The Washington Post:

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Shoot the Truth

Assignment 2

Press photography the main role is delivering the truth to the public. It cannot be edited in different ways to distort the true meaning.

Following pictures appear the Chai Jing’s Speech –“Under the Dome” which is about investigating Pollution Haze in China.

The part photo from "Beijing 365 days" tooked by Zou Yi

Acitivities at  Primary School, by Chai Jing. 

Tourist at DiTan, Photo by ChaiJing

Before her voice out, as a Chinese citizen, everyone live in the low visibility and dirty air. But no one think about what happens, how the smog does happens and what should we do about this smog. People got sick more than before without reasons, and more lung cancers population increases. There is still no one stand out.

As we known, Chai is a responsible Chinese television reporter.  After watch the speech and press photos, people realize we are under the “dome”-Pollution Haze. We face serious environment issue. The blue sky is gone because what we are doing,such as car pollution. 

The last photo is Chai’s daughter, she is 2 years old little girl. Since she born, she never saw the blue sky. She wonders when she can hang out with family and how the outside of home look like. This situation is not her deserve to experience. She supposes to enjoy the nature.

              Chai Jing's daughter,Photo by Chai Jing. 

From Chai’s press photos, people felt into silence. Image one day, we are exactly under the real dome. We have limited nature resources. We need pay for the clean water. Moreover, We have to kill our same kind to live. It reminds me the novel I read before <<Under the Dome>>, which is written by Stephen King. The book told us, why the evil acts like that, because the good people always do nothing. If you want to bring back the blue sky, you must voice out and stop it. Then you do something with it, such as lifestyles, consumption concept and ethical behaviors. Choose the public transportation more that personal car; Choose buy the products with green production process; Choose maintain the earth is everyone’s responsibility.

Art Photography main role is more creative. Artist create and develop their own styles to show their emotions to the audience. It is called art photos that you watch it, enjoy it and dream it. It only enlarge the personal feeling from the arts, cannot to tell you the truth. See the Following Photos:

by Holly Andres
The Fall of Spring Hill Series (Children Descending Spring Hill), 2011

by Holly Andres
The Fall of Spring Hill Series (The Caterpillar), 2011

The artist Holly Andres's photos reflect my childhood. The time I spent with my younger brother and cousins during summer vacation at grandma's house. We love each other, we are apart with each other to live for our dreams. We still have great memories and keep in touch. I miss them and I miss my childhood. This is my feeling from the artist photos. 

In my opinion, alter art photographs is not the ethical issue. Everyone could be artist, everyone may have similar idea but different art works. Over thousand peopple post different vision of photos may come from same feeling, such as childhood. It is acceptable to alter the art photos.

I think altering the press photography is not acceptable, it is ethical problem. The press photos is news. News should focus on the accuracy  facts. What the press photos really inflence the audience's thoughts. If the photo are altered, it will twist the truth and deliver the wrong meaing to the audience. 

  • The part photo from "Beijing 365 days" tooked by Zou Yi,
  • Acitivities at Primary School, by Chai Jing,
  •  Tourist at DiTan, Photo by ChaiJing,
  •  Chai Jing's daughter,Photo by Chai Jing,
  •  Chai Jing's Speech –“Under the Dome” with full translation in English, 
  • The Fall of Spring Hill Series (The Caterpillar), 2011,by Holly Andres,
  • The Fall of Spring Hill Series (Children Descending Spring Hill), 2011,by Holly Andres,

Friday, February 6, 2015

Picture Transformers

                                                                                                                           Edited by Heting Wang

First you see this little adorable squirrel, what impressed you? 

In autumn, I took this photo when I go to Mount Royal at Montreal. I think most canadian heard of it. This is peaceful montain, but it becames very popular tourism attraction. I was one of the tourists been there and I took this picture on my own. I captured this "wonderful" moment.

                                                                                                                           Photo by Heting Wang

Now see, what impressed you from this original photo?

I did color matching for the whole picture which makes this photo more like autumn feel. Then I used photoshop to remove the alcohol bottle and the coffee cups - garbage. So now , you know why I called this moment is "wonderful" moment.

Which picture do you prefer?  I like the original one better because it is the truth. I don't want to misguide my audiences. I want to show what people are doing now for the environment. You were traveling and you enjoyed the nature that means you took advantages from the earth. But why you could be so mean to the nature? I was wondering what the little squirrel was eating? Is that also from garbage? Would it hurt the little squirrel? Is the squirrel used to live in this kind of environment? I feel guilty about my fellow-creatures. I picked up after taking this picture. I feel bad about the squirrel has nothing to do with it, but i think that I could do something I can to save the environment where we live.

In a word, I tell you why the picture edited like this wonderful way: It is my dream. How about you?


                                                                                                                              Photo by Heting Wang

Hello! This is my friend, Miranda She is fantastic nutrition baker.  I shooted this photo on Saint-Paul street at Montreal. I was walking with my serval friends and we enjoyed the french style atomsphere there. This path was found because it seems really mysterious. So I asked Miranda to stand there to take a picture as free style. I feel awesome that I captured this perfect laugh side-face.  Her action was leading me to out of earth.

First, I replaced the path end view to the mysterious village. It is kind of temptation how to lead the Miranda come to this path. 
                                                                   Reference Photo from By sunjinlontongzhi

Second,  I found the these robot material pictures to composite the three aliens by using the 3D MAX software. The original robot is referenced from Eve in movie Wall-E. This is dramatic way to explain why Miranda were laughing. The aliens were smileing to her and tell her there is a small town at the end of path where is her dream home. She was flipped.  She laughed because it is exactly same as her dream last night. 

All 4 Photos from Baidu (No author)

Then I did color matching the whole picture, added glow effect  and dark corners around the picture which have more mysteries feeling. 

                                                                                                                             Edited by Heting Wang

Does the edited picture confused you? If yes, I am glad to make you falling into my world - The Imagination World. Let's guess, will Miranda follow the aliens? 

Ps: I am not the professional photographer, I just like taking pictures during my leisure time. Hope you like it :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Falling in Montreal

Hello, folks. This is my first post on my blog. I would post about one of my favorite places - Montreal.  It is a comfortable french place with romantic atmosphere everywhere. I was falling in Montreal and enjoy my 4 days short break. I am so excited to share with my beautiful memories to you.

After seeing my photos, will you go to the Montreal? My answer is Yes, I will go there again because I am falling to Montreal.